Research Up To 3 Marks - To Get 1 Legally Available Mark


$1000 Flat Fee 10 Hour Trademark
+ USA Trademark USPTO Filing Fee $350
+ Canada Trademark CIPO Filing Fee CA$250 (+ CA$200 in 12 Months)
Call us for European and/or Worldwide trademark orders.  

Service time estimated for one relatively clean search, with few affecting trademark or common law similarities. Conflicting marks will probably add service time needed. Up to 3 names, slogans or logos may be researched until 1 clear name found to be legally available. Also, if doing business in just one State, then State trademark filing fees will be less.


Our very unique expedited trademarking service includes:

  • Expert Trademark Consultation - We will review your trademark situation to make sure what you actually need.
  • Comprehensive IP Research - Know for sure your proposed name, slogan or logo is in fact legally available. Estimated 5 - 6 hours, per research report.
  • Competitive Checks - When conflicting or similar names are discovered, we will verify their existence. 1 - 4 hours estimated, per research report.
  • Trademark Attorney - Your savings with us is great because we are NOT trademark attorneys - BUT we have a trusted network of 5 super experienced trademark attorneys who have an average of 30 years of experience to draw from to analyze your expected 300-500 page comprehensive IP research reports, to answer your every trademark legal question. All attorney time to do with your order is included in our very low fee. Each of the network of 5 independent trademark attorneys are available for additional trademark legal issues directly at their normal fees. :30 - 1 hour estimated.
  • Trademark Filing - USPTO or CIPO filing the right way, the first time. 2 - 4 hours estimated.
  • Proof of work provided - We'll provided you with copies of all our work and reports for your archives.
  • Free Minor Office Action Coverage (Save Extra $150).
  • Trademark Monitoring for 1 Year (Save Extra $400).
  • IF your mark is LEGALLY BLOCKED, then we will provide upon request Creative Replacement Naming services from NAME-IT with 5 new creative names provided for FREE.


Free Expert Trademark Consultation Today!


Call 650-948-0531 or 800-5-TRADEMARK

$1000 Trademark Challenge - Best Since 1992

We want you to compare trademark services carefully. We know we are your best trademark choice. Please keep us in mind while shopping around. We have a challenge for you! IF you find a better trademark company who handles all your needed steps like we do, then we'll pay you a $1000 reward! The unique combination of Step-by-Step Federal, State & Common Law Comprehensive IP research - as the USPTO recommends is something NONE of our competitors has offered at any time over the past 27 years. We just increased this challenge from $100, first offered in 2009, then $300 from 2010 to 2017, $500 in 2018 - Now $1000 in 2019. We can't find a better way to trademark a name, slogan or logo. Can you? Call us! Thank you!


Please note: Up to 3 names may be searched, until one legally clear name is found. Conflicted or similar names that need competitive checks and/or attorney consultation will necessitate more time than 10 hours. We assure you, each step will be expedited. If your first name, slogan or logo is legally clear, with minimal competitive checks required, we will process your order with 10 hours. Orders must be placed by 10am EST, Monday - Friday.

Urgent Trademark Order Form

How did you find out about us:

Your Name:
Contact Name (If Different):
Credit Card Billing Address 1:
City: State: Zip:
Direct Phone Number: Best time to contact you:
Other Phone Number: Fax number:
E-mail Address:

Trademark Details

Trademark Name(s):
When new order is needed:
Other countries and expected use dates:

Please list this trade name’s goods or services, the intended market (customer), and planned distribution channels.

My purpose is:  New Product or Service  Fight or Start My Own Cease & Desist
 In Use Now, or...  Will be in use on: (approx. date)
 USA-Canadian Use  European Use  Worldwide Use

Please call us to discuss any of our other trademarking services, such as Logo Design Research, Monitoring and Competitive Checks. We also offer creative naming services NAME-IT and Miramark. 

 10 Hour Trademark $1000 Flat Fee.
Payment Visa MasterCard Wire Transfer
Method: American Express Discover Check to Los Altos Office
For Visa, MasterCard, Discover & Amex, Please provide:
Cardholder Name:
Card Number:
Expiration Date:
3 or 4-Digit Security Code:
Issuer/Bank Name:

"If Your Trademark Research Isn't Comprehensive - Then It Isn't Done!"