Why Now?
Here's a few reasons you may need Urgent Trademark - Now.
- 24 hour expert trademark consultation. Call 800-5TRADEMARK or 800-587-2336.
- Partnership split - Win the name game trademark race. Trademark it = Own it.
- Board meeting - Find out right now if a newly proposed name is legally available while you meet.
- New product launch - Did someone forget to do a comprehensive search to determine if your name, logo or slogan are in fact legally available? Don't make the factory wait.
- Product graphics - Need an immediate logo design search before going to production? Logos count too.
- Competition - Let your competitor know you are serious about your intellectual rights.
- Cease & desist demands - Make sure where you really stand first. Is the other party over reaching? Are you really infringing? What is true? How should your immediate situation be played? Do you need a trademark attorney immediately, or is a comprehensive IP research report needed first, then a trademark attorney analysis? Or, should you act first with your own trademarking to strengthen your dates of first use. Then reply with authority. Utilize the services of any one of our network of 5 super experienced, aggressive independent trademark attorneys. We are not trademark attorneys, but with us you have access for a free trademark attorney consultation. This approach is the key to your savings.
"If Your Trademark Research Isn't Comprehensive - Then It Isn't Done!"